Biologists have dispelled the myth about the benefits of a glass of wine a week

Biologists have dispelled the myth about the benefits of a glass of wine a week


A glass of wine a week does not prolong life, biologists from the University of Victoria found

A group of biologists representing the University of Victoria in Canada and the University of Portsmouth in the UK came to the conclusion that a glass of wine a week or even a day, contrary to popular belief, does not bring benefits and does not prolong life.

Comparing the results of 107 previously published scientific papers, the scientists concluded that their colleagues often came to biased results by manipulating the data. In particular, those who stopped drinking alcohol due to health problems were considered as “teetotalers”, in which case the increased risk of early death was not a consequence of a sober lifestyle, as it was tried to imagine, but one of its causes.

After adjusting the data, the biologists came to the conclusion that one glass of wine per week did not lower the risk of early death, but each additional glass increased it.

The authors of a scientific paper published in the journal JAMA Network Open concluded that avoiding alcohol is the best solution for longevity.


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