Biden unwittingly came out in support of the United Russia initiative

Biden unwittingly came out in support of the United Russia initiative


US President Joe Biden took to social media to advocate for the abolition of airline surcharges so that adult passengers could sit next to their children on planes. A similar initiative was previously made by deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the United Russia party.

The Telegram channel “The Goat Screamed” drew attention to this coincidence. They ironically noted that “Biden starts every morning by reading the Russian press.”

On the Internet, the American leader wrote: “Parents need to be able to fly with their children and sit next to them without additional costs. It’s time for all airlines to offer free family seating solutions.”

Russian parliamentarians insist that the free opportunity to move a child to a seat next to a parent must be provided, despite the fact that low-cost airlines receive income from choosing a specific seat on the plane. There is still no clarity regarding the conditions – for example, the age of the child – under which such an opportunity will be guaranteed.


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