Bears woke up in the mountains of Sochi and were caught on video

Bears woke up in the mountains of Sochi and were caught on video


In Sochi, bears began to emerge from their dens

Bears woke up in the mountains of Sochi. Video shared by Telegram channel Sochi News.

During winter hibernation, the animals have become very thin, but it is still difficult for them to get food, there is still a lot of snow.

Tourists were asked to be careful.

Also in Kamchatka, the first case of a bear emerging from hibernation this year was recorded, the press service of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve reports. In the South Kamchatka Federal Nature Reserve, a bear was filmed emerging from its den after winter sleep and was seen eating the carcass of a wild horse.

The inspectors met the bear near the Pribrezhny cordon on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. According to the press service, the horse most likely died in the fall. The area is home to a small herd of wild horses.


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