Baza: police officers ordered to delete or rename work chats on WhatsApp

Baza: police officers ordered to delete or rename work chats on WhatsApp


The Ministry of Internal Affairs called on the police to delete or rename work chats on WhatsApp due to the fact that the Meta organization that owns the application (recognized as an extremist organization in the Russian Federation and banned) has been banned in the country for more than a year. This was reported by the Baza Telegram channel, citing sources.

According to the channel, the leadership of the security department began a special operation against WhatsApp at the end of the summer. Department employees from different regions needed to delete all work chats on WhatsApp. Moreover, according to the source, law enforcement officers were persistently asked to switch to Telegram.

In some cases, Baza notes, management is not so radical. The police are asked to simply rename work chats in the application so that at first glance it is not clear that the correspondence is related to the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The measure was taken because the American company Meta, which owns the messenger, was declared extremist in March 2023, and there is a ban on its work in Russia.


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