American woman with two uteruses found pregnant in both

American woman with two uteruses found pregnant in both


In the United States, 32-year-old Alabama resident Kelsey Hatcher, who was born with a very rare disease known as uterine didelphys (double uterus), is expecting twins.

How reports Good Morning America, the woman and her husband Caleb were shocked to learn that each of the children was in their own womb. Doctors at the University of Alabama, where Kelsey is being seen, say the chances of getting pregnant in each uterus at the same time are about “one in a million.”

Kelsey said that she had previously been pregnant three times and given birth to three children, but each time she carried one child in the same womb. The doctors, in turn, explained that the two babies their patient was expecting were considered fraternal twins. At the same time, doctors admitted that they do not have a specialist who would have experience in caring for a patient with two uteruses and two children in each of them.

It is expected that Kelsey’s babies could arrive by December 25th.


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