AI generative presentations appear in Bing search

AI generative presentations appear in Bing search


American company Microsoft added in Bing search results short presentations created by artificial intelligence. The company calls them “stories” (stories) – they reveal the essence of the search query and are similar to “stories” from Instagram (owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation).

Presentation slides contain text, pictures and videos, and they change after a short time. When the sound is turned on, background music appears. Such presentations will only be included for requests that require a detailed response, such as “Cubism” or “Impressionism”. Stories will be available in 11 languages, including Russian. Microsoft also updated the “knowledge cards” that appear on the issue page to the right of the request: now they can appear both “stories” and other AI-generated content that reveals the essence of the request. Microsoft introduced a new version of the Bing search engine based on artificial intelligence in February 2023.

Evgeny Fedunenko


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