Actor Boris Shcherbakov first got in touch from the hospital: relatives are not allowed

Actor Boris Shcherbakov first got in touch from the hospital: relatives are not allowed


The artist announced the forecast of doctors

For the second day, fans of actor Boris Shcherbakov cannot find a place for themselves after reports of his hospitalization. With suspicion of heart problems, he was taken away by ambulance before going on tour to St. Petersburg. Shcherbakov was put in intensive care. “MK” managed to contact Boris Shcherbakov himself.

The artist spoke with some difficulty, a slight shortness of breath was heard, so we did not overload Shcherbakov with questions too much.

— Boris Vasilyevich, how are you feeling?

– It’s better now, okay. My heart took a little, I called an ambulance – they sent me to the Botkin hospital, to cardiology. But they discharged me from there, I am already in the ward, in the usual one.

– What are the doctors’ forecasts? Do they say something about the discharge, since you are already better?

– Probably, they will be discharged next week, somewhere on Monday-Tuesday.

Are relatives allowed to visit you?

– Not yet. The hospital is in quarantine, so no one is allowed in.

Previously, the wife of Boris Vasilyevich, Tatyana Bronzova, told us about the details of his hospitalization. This is the first time this has happened to an actor.


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