A woman tried to kill her husband who wouldn’t give a divorce with poisoned cunnilingus.

A woman tried to kill her husband who wouldn't give a divorce with poisoned cunnilingus.


A woman tried to get rid of her husband who would not give a divorce using toxic cunnilingus

A resident of the small Brazilian town of Sao de Jose Rio Preto, desperate to get a divorce from her 43-year-old husband, decided to take extreme measures. She doused her genitals with poison and tried to seduce her husband through oral sex. The Daily Mail reports this.

As the man later said, his wife actually tried to lure him into bed, but he was stopped by the strange smell emanating from her. He was so worried about his wife that he sent her to the hospital because he feared for her health.

Thus, doctors assure, the man saved his wife’s life. The test results showed that the toxin used, in case of longer exposure, would have killed both her husband and, first of all, herself.

The woman admitted her plans only when the doctors explained to her husband what caused the smell and what the toxin threatened him with. According to the newspaper, the Brazilian insisted that the woman be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible. But this time, not out of concern for her health, but out of a desire to quickly sue her for attempted murder.


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