A Russian raw foodist who starved his son to death said he was forced to eat meat

A Russian raw foodist who starved his son to death said he was forced to eat meat


Kuban raw food blogger Maxim Lyuty, accused of the death of his own newborn son, said during the court hearing that while under arrest in a pre-trial detention center, he is forced to eat meat, since there are no fruits and vegetables on the menu of the defendants. RIA Novosti reports this.

A criminal case was opened against Lyuty after the death of his child in March of this year. The regional investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that the baby was not given food for a long time (the father took the child from the mother and did not feed him for a day), and such episodes happened at least three times.

Then the accused testified during interrogations that he hoped to accustom his son to a raw food diet, without giving him regular food, and also tempered him with cold water. However, he blamed his mother for the death of the baby.

Now Lyuty’s testimony has changed: he states that he did not experiment with a raw food diet on his child, and claims that the deceased baby was fed breast milk.


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