A nutritionist named five foods that will help you lose weight by summer

A nutritionist named five foods that will help you lose weight by summer


Nutritionist names five foods that help you lose weight

During the cold season, many people notice that they gain weight. This is due, first of all, to changes in diet, including during the New Year holidays, when many people eat fatty foods in excess. Edition “Russian newspaper” I spoke with a preventive nutritionist, an expert in the functional approach to restoring the body and naturopathic methods, and found out which foods will help you lose weight without harming your health.

First of all, the specialist said, it is necessary to include foods high in protein in your diet – meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, eggs and legumes. The doctor noted that this component helps strengthen bones, form muscles, and has a positive effect on the skin and hormones. Proteins also saturate well, suppressing the feeling of hunger.

With a deficiency of protein and the amino acids that make up it, a person may feel increased appetite and the craving for sweets will increase, as there is a lack of tryptophan, which is necessary for the formation of the “happiness hormone” serotonin, the doctor noted.

You should also include fiber in your diet. These are mainly vegetables, whole grain cereals (in moderation), berries and fruits. Due to prolonged digestion, the brain receives a signal of saturation, the specialist explained.

The doctor also explained that fiber-rich foods slow down the flow of glucose into the blood, which helps stabilize appetite.

It is recommended to drink coffee and tea – both drinks contain caffeine, which increases the production of hormones responsible for activity (cortisol and norepinephrine), accelerates brain function (dopamine) and mobilizes the body, suppressing the feeling of fatigue (blocks adenosine). The specialist noted that due to hormonal changes, appetite is suppressed.

“Although, to be fair, coffee may increase appetite in some people, this is rare,” the doctor said.

The specialist said that coffee can be a complement to protein products and fiber, since its effect decreases after three to four hours.

Another product that the nutritionist named is MCT oil. This is a type of oil containing medium chain fatty acids. The doctor noted that it is a quick source of energy for the nervous system and the body as a whole. The fatty acids present in this oil, the expert said, help break down fat. At the same time, the nutritionist warned that there is no need to add a lot of oil to the diet. It will have an effect if it replaces part of the fat in the diet, but does not make it a full-fledged addition to the menu.

In conclusion, the nutritionist recommended adding apple cider vinegar to food. According to the doctor, the best way to include it in your diet is to use it in cooking, such as in salads and homemade mayonnaise. When using it, be aware that too much of this substance can cause harmful side effects, including erosion of tooth enamel or potential interactions with medications.

In addition, it is not recommended if you have increased acidity of the gastric juice and associated symptoms (heartburn (reflux) or any burning sensation in the esophagus).


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