A Norwegian fisherman found a huge bloated monster in the sea

A Norwegian fisherman found a huge bloated monster in the sea


A Norwegian fisherman found a huge strange thing in the sea, which he mistook for a balloon. However, it turned out that this is something made of flesh and blood and is a dead whale swollen to gigantic proportions, writes Bild.

Dag Rydland saw the “ball” in the open sea north of the island of Andrøya.

“It stuck out about three meters above the sea. The balloon was so big! I have been fishing for 27 years and have seen several dead whales. But I have never encountered such a size before,” the local publication Dagbladet quoted the man as saying.

During life, the whale reached a length of up to 15 meters and weighed about 40 tons. After death, he swelled because his body was filled with gases as a result of putrefactive processes.

The huge corpse of the whale could explode at any moment, so the fisherman hurried to swim away. He hoped that the whale would not wash ashore, otherwise the decaying parts of the corpse could be scattered over a long distance.


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