A bill on refunds for low-quality online courses has been introduced to the State Duma

A bill on refunds for low-quality online courses has been introduced to the State Duma


The New People faction has submitted a bill to the State Duma that would allow money to be returned for purchased online courses if the client is not satisfied with their quality. Document posted in the online database of the State Duma.

The explanatory note states that the number of online courses of “inadequate quality” has recently increased, and that after taking such courses, most consumers “feel deceived.”

“As a result, those who create high-quality courses based on a license are forced to compete with unscrupulous authors. This confuses people, and good online courses do not reach their consumers,” the faction’s press service said in a statement to the agency. TASS.

The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” is proposed to be supplemented with a clause according to which the consumer has the right to demand a refund under the contract in the event of the provision of educational and information and consulting services of inadequate quality. At the same time, the procedure and criteria for such services should be established by the government.

According to various estimates, the Russian market for online courses can reach 100 billion rubles. The business training market alone numbers about 500 thousand. The volume of this market segment can reach 10 billion rubles. in year.

According to sociological surveys, 45% of Russians know about personal growth trainings: 18% have heard rather negative reviews, and 25% have heard both positive and negative reviews.

Anastasia Larina


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