Mundo deportivo: parents were told why to vaccinate children against papillomavirus

Mundo deportivo: parents were told why to vaccinate children against papillomavirus


Human papillomavirus or HPV can cause various types of cancer. Your infection is not treatable, although vaccination may be the best way to prevent it.

This type of virus is quite common. In fact, most people get it at some point in their lives, even if many of them don’t know their body is infected.

According to the portal Mundo deportivo, almost most HPV infections tend to disappear on their own, without affecting the health of those infected, although this does not happen in all cases. In addition, some of them can develop to such an extent that they can lead to cancer.

Vaccinating boys and girls against papillomavirus can help prevent the development of some types of cancer that may appear over the years:

For girls, it will be cancer of the vagina, cervix, vulva, throat, and anus. In the case of children, cancer of the penis, anus and throat.

Vaccination is the ideal option to prevent this type of infection, so it is highly recommended to vaccinate children against papillomavirus. In addition, this measure can also prevent the occurrence of genital warts in the future.e

When should children be vaccinated against papillomavirus?

The vaccine is given by multiple injections and is most effective when administered between the ages of 9 and 12 years. For young people aged 13 to 26, if they have not yet been vaccinated or have not completed their vaccine, they should do so without further delay.

Vaccination against papillomavirus is not as effective in vaccinated young people, but is more effective in children and adolescents. In fact, some experts do not recommend vaccination for people over the age of 26.

As for the number of injections received, this is their introduction:

Children from 9 to 14 years old are prescribed 2 injections for 6-12 months. As for young people, aged 15 to 26 years old, they will receive 3 injections without missing more than 6 months for their administration.

The most common side effects from the vaccine are those that occur after vaccination and are mild:

– Headache

– Pain and redness at the injection site

– Heat

It may happen that at first they feel dizzy and even faint. This is what usually happens in some cases, although to avoid this, it is enough to sit or lie down on the baby and make him stay in this position for 15 minutes.

If a child is allergic to any of the components of the vaccine causing severe allergic reactions, it is best to avoid giving it.


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