4 exercises to take care of your back at work

4 exercises to take care of your back at work


The back is increasingly stressed at work, whether it is physical work or office work if the position is not good. Carole Megrot, trainer at the French Company Sports Federation (FFSE*), gives us advice on how to fight against back pain at work.

Good posture will reduce small joint and muscle pain at the end of the day, respect the natural positions of your body, limit tension on your joints, and above all protect your intervertebral discs when carrying heavy loads.

In a seated position, it is advisable to have a straight back supported either by the backrest or by a cushion wedged between the hollow of the back and the back of the chair. Have the shoulders relaxed and backwards, the knees positioned at the height of the hips and the legs aligned above the ankles, the feet are placed flat on the ground. The whole forearm is resting on the desk. If you have to carry heavy loads, it’s not your back that bends but your legs that bend.

4 examples of exercises to do sitting or standing:

In order to improve these postures, it is necessary to do muscle building. This will allow you to strengthen less toned muscles, stabilize postural muscles, increase muscle mass and thus reduce back pain.

Here are four examples of exercises that you can reproduce at work:

1- For example, you can make push-ups against a wall. Stand facing a wall, feet shoulder width apart. Stretch your arms out in front of you, hands spread 5 to 10 cm maximum at chest height. Your body forms a straight line. Inhale by bending your arms and come and put your forehead on the wall, exhale by stretching your arms. The more you move your feet back from the wall, the more the difficulty will increase.

2- In a seated position: on inspiration, position your hands crossed behind headat expiration lean forward (about 45°) keeping your back straight. To complicate the exercise on exhalation, take off the buttocks and hold the position for a few seconds before starting again from the beginning.

The mobility of the back is maintained by alternating toning movements (muscle strengthening) but also by relaxation movements, so do not hesitate to take a few minutes every hour for yourself. stretch.

3- In position sitting or standing straight back, interlace your fingers and stretch them above your head. Bring your arms as far back as possible and hold this position for a few breaths, then tilt to the side for a few breaths. Return to the upright position, then do the same on the other side.

4- To prevent upper back tension, place your intertwined hands an inch or two from your chest, palms towards you, and inhale. Exhaling through your nose, extend your arms as far in front of you as possible, turning your palms forward, while tucking your chin and rounding your back.

In addition to these four practical and quick exercises, it is essential to regularly practice moderate physical activity and sports to reduce back pain. Think of activities such as swimming where you prefer backstroke, water aerobics, cycling, walking or Nordic walking.


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