Zakharova: Estonian authorities associate themselves with the Nazis

Zakharova: Estonian authorities associate themselves with the Nazis


Zakharova said that the Estonian authorities are following the example of the Nazis in their “manic Russophobia”

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in a publication on her Telegram channel, stated that the modern Estonian authorities are guided by the Nazis in the degree of their “manic Russophobia,” which makes them similar to the Kyiv regime.

As Zakharova noted, the Estonian Foreign Ministry, in an “anti-Russian frenzy,” went so far as to publish a post on the social network X (formerly Twitter) about the 80th anniversary of the air raid by Soviet (they write “Russian”) aviation on the positions of the Nazi troops that occupied Tallinn with the sole thought that the Russians allegedly targeted residential areas and cultural sites then and continue to do the same in Ukraine today.

An official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry indicated that it is no secret that the modern Estonian authorities associate themselves with the Nazis, and Goebbels himself would envy the degree of their “maniacal Russophobia.” Zakharova recalled that this event, which falsifiers take out of historical context, was part of the military operations of the Soviet troops to liberate the Baltic states from the Nazis.

Zakharova added that the ideological kinship between the ruling nationalist elite in Estonia and the Kyiv regime does not cause any surprise.


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