Zakharova called cowardice the refusal of the Nobel Foundation to invite Russia

Zakharova called cowardice the refusal of the Nobel Foundation to invite Russia


The refusal of the Nobel Foundation for the participation of the Russian ambassador in the awards ceremony in Stockholm is cowardice and short-sightedness. About it stated Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

“This is cowardice – one, short-sightedness – two, inability to defend their fundamental, as they say, positions – three. Well, as always, the absence of any standards at all on fundamental issues, ”explained Zakharova.

According to Zakharova, despite the fact that the Nobel Foundation was once one of the most authoritative platforms, now it has called into question its own impartiality, independence and adherence to principles. The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled that after the opening of archival documents, it became known about the intrigues of the West regarding the presentation of the Nobel Prizes. According to Zakharova, now the same thing is happening in front of everyone.

On September 1, it became known that the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus will invite for the Nobel Prize ceremony in 2023. However, on September 2, the Nobel Foundation withdrew invitations because of the “strong reaction” of the public. In 2022, the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus did not participate in the ceremony due to a special operation in Ukraine.


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