Woman who ate crocodile meat lived with parasite in eye for two years

Woman who ate crocodile meat lived with parasite in eye for two years


In Congo, a woman who ate crocodile meat lived for two years with a parasite in her eye.

A woman in the Congo lived with a parasite larva in her eye for two years after eating crocodile meat. Live Science writes about this.

According to the publication, doctors discovered a tumor in the eye of a 28-year-old woman from the city of Basankusu. The cause of the infection, according to doctors, was crocodile meat, which she once consumed as food.

She did not show any symptoms of infection, except that there was a strangely moving formation in the corner of her eye.

The tumor was removed and the larva of the penkant Armillifer grandis, which lives in the respiratory tract of reptiles and snakes, was found.


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