WHO representative in Russia does not believe that COVID-19 has become a seasonal disease

WHO representative in Russia does not believe that COVID-19 has become a seasonal disease


Coronavirus cannot be called a seasonal disease, it is in a pandemic phase, said Melita Vujnovic, representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Russia. WHO does not consider that the pandemic is over, although it is not in an acute phase.

“People may consider it to be a mild illness now. This is not true. We cannot call covid a seasonal disease, it is still in the pandemic phase. But not in that acute one, when there was absolutely no immunity, ”said Ms. Vujnovich TASS.

The WHO representative noted that the virus still causes a large number of diseases, “a lot of people are sick in the world, the wave is coming.” A parallel can be drawn to the H1N1 virus that led to the swine flu pandemic in 2009, she said. Now it is in circulation, but does not cause large outbreaks. “Because he just returned to the characteristics of seasonal flu. It’s too early to talk about coronavirus infection,” added Ms. Vujnovic.

On November 6, less than 5,000 coronavirus infections were recorded in Russia per day. For comparison, in mid-September, the figure exceeded 50 thousand cases, and in February – 200 thousand.

About the new mutation of COVID-19 “Cerberus” – in the material “Kommersant” “The virus breaks off the chain”.

Leonid Uvarchev