What officials say about the ideas of Rosreestr – Economics – Kommersant

What officials say about the ideas of Rosreestr - Economics - Kommersant


According to officials (including regional ones), the implementation of the Rosreestr project will be beneficial both for the state and for businesses and citizens. First, the changes can protect the property interests of citizens. Now the owners of the land plot are not protected from claims from the control and supervisory authorities regarding the use of the land plot for other purposes or non-use in principle. “The bill gives the citizen time to develop the land and sets the appropriate timeframes, only after the expiration of which the control and supervisory authorities can deal with the issues of holding the land user liable,” explains State Secretary, Deputy Head of Rosreestr Alexei Butovetsky. The head of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Moscow Region, Natalya Adigamova, agrees with him: “Registered real estate is not only the right to own, use, dispose of it, but, first of all, insurance, minimizing all risks.”

Yury Shalyganov, head of the Moscow regional branch of the Union of Gardeners of Russia, talks about the numerous appeals of citizens to the organization due to the impossibility of inheriting land plots and conducting communications. Since they were not registered with the cadastre, there is no right to property. “Any municipal services and network companies request documents for land use rights. To do this, the land plot must be registered in the unified cadastral register,” he adds. Refusal to register with the cadastre is partly common due to attempts to evade taxes. However, the regions are trying to encourage citizens to register – they reduce the tax rate for summer cottages and gardening houses, provide tax benefits to certain categories of citizens.

The regions are actively working to involve real estate in circulation, as they are one of the key sources of budget replenishment. The head of the State Committee for Property and Land Relations of Mordovia, Andrey Mishchenko, notes that the bill will increase the efficiency of property management and the investment potential of the regions, as well as the quality of the provision of public services to citizens. Thus, in Mordovia there is a program of social additional gasification, which allows to increase the level of gasification of households at the expense of the state. “Out of 2,184 citizens who applied for secondary gasification, 513 were unable to take part in the program due to the lack of properly executed documents for home ownership,” the official said.

Rosreestr adds that the norms for registering capital construction projects will provide government agencies with reliable urban planning information about construction and will allow them to keep records of built residential buildings. In addition, the problem of lack of registered rights remains a high risk for investors. Thus, they may face a situation where a land plot acquired from a municipality turns out to be the property of another person who did not determine the boundaries in a timely manner.

Diana Galieva


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