What irritates Russians in business correspondence

What irritates Russians in business correspondence


The thing that irritates Russians most in work correspondence is grammatical errors, showed survey service “Rabota.ru”. Many also do not like to be disturbed outside of work hours, use voice messages and take a long time to respond. Among the less popular responses (not included in the top 10) are addressing people as “you” without prior agreement, an abundance of emoticons, gifs, memes, excessive politeness and addressing gender (“girls, boys, women, men”). 3% of respondents are annoyed by the period at the end of a sentence.

The survey also revealed that Russians most often use WhatsApp (66%), correspondence and phone calls (55%), Email (41%) and Telegram (31%) for business communication. Less commonly, corporate messengers, Viber, VKontakte and other means of communication. Every second respondent conducts work correspondence with colleagues from their department, their manager, and colleagues from other departments. The rarest recipients are media representatives (5%), investors and sponsors (3%).


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