What are the benefits of blueberries?

What are the benefits of blueberries?


A recent study found that eating wild blueberries daily can reverse cognitive decline in older adults.

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Researchers at the University of North Carolina found that older adults who were already suffering from obvious cognitive problems could benefit greatly from eating fruit daily. In many cases, their brain condition reached the same level as people who had no known cognitive impairment in their anamnesis.

There are currently no known treatments for conditions such as dementia. Reliable methods of treatment that slow down its progression have also not been found. The results of this study are potentially groundbreaking, showing that a simple fruit can potentially do what medicine has failed to do after decades of medical research.

Blueberries have long been known as a “superfood”, thanks to their antioxidant properties and many other vitamins and minerals, blueberries have been proven effective not only in preventing a range of problems: dementia, heart disease, but even in the fight against cancer.

The researchers, who published their results in the journal Nutrition Neuroscience, collected data from 86 older adults aged 65 to 80.

All group members self-reported cognitive problems. An additional 43 people in the same age range with no reported brain problems were recruited as controls.

After an initial cognitive screening at the beginning of the study, the participants were divided into two groups – one who added wild blueberry powder to their diet, and the other who took a placebo.

Dr. Carol Cheatham, professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Southern California, who led the study, explained that wild blueberries were specifically used in this study.

The phytochemicals found in the berries have developed protective properties against skin cancer, pests, and other elements in the harsh conditions of the northeast.

Blueberries are rich in chemicals that are great for human cognitive health.

“Phytochemicals are compounds in plants that develop to protect the plant from environmental attack, fungi, bacteria, and viruses,” Dr. Mary Ann Leela, author of the article from North Carolina State University, said in a statement.

The participants added the powder to their food every day. Six months later, they were again examined for cognitive health.

The researchers showed that those who consumed blueberries every day had a significant recovery in mental processing speed, to the point where, on average, they had the same processing speed as a control group that reported no cognitive decline.

Processing speed is the ability of the brain to store and then recall information. The researchers note that this is the key to all brain function, and its improvement is indicative of an overall improvement in brain health.

Although the study was relatively short-lived, Cheatham hopes her team has found a natural solution to the cognitive problems affecting millions of people.

If a person cannot find wild blueberries, the scientist recommends any blue-colored fruit, such as regular blueberries, purple grapes, or blackberries, to get a boost in cognitive health.

Cheetham revealed that she personally added blueberries to her daily diet, adding about two cups of blueberries to her smoothie each morning.

The average person who hopes to keep their brain in top shape is advised to include berries in their diet whenever possible, as even small amounts of blueberries or any other purple berries can be effective.

“Eating wild blueberries has no side effects,” she added.

Christina DENISYUK.

Source www.dailymail.co.uk

Photo: Alamy Stock Photo

Message What are the benefits of blueberries? first appeared on Moscow truth.


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