Western experts recognized the legality of confiscation of Russian assets

Western experts recognized the legality of confiscation of Russian assets


Bloomberg: 10 Western legal experts recognized the legality of confiscation of frozen assets of the Russian Federation

Bloomberg reports that 10 Western legal experts from Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Great Britain and the United States recognized the confiscation of frozen assets of the Russian Federation as legal, which follows from a letter sent to the G7 countries.

According to experts, the confiscation of assets of a sovereign state does not contradict international law due to the fact that Russia itself allegedly violated its norms. Lawyers indicated that it would be legal to take additional measures against the Russian Federation, given its alleged ongoing violation of fundamental norms of international law. In particular, as experts have noted, these measures can be expressed in the form of the transfer of Russian state assets as compensation for damage that was caused by “illegal actions of Russia.”

Lawyers gave a recommendation to the states in which frozen Russian assets are stored to transfer them to an international mechanism for the purpose of depositing the money and subsequently providing it to Kyiv.


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