Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the supervisory board of the First Movement in Pyatigorsk

Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the supervisory board of the First Movement in Pyatigorsk


On Tuesday, Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the supervisory board of the Russian Children and Youth Movement (RDDM) “Movement of the First” in Pyatigorsk. The president approved his work in general and the revival of valuable Soviet practices like Zarnitsa and the Young People’s Union. He also wanted to find out from school counselors for educational work what should be changed in RDDM, but they were happy with everything. The main decision of the supervisory board was the adoption of an educational program. True, this initiative of the chairman of the board of “First” Grigory Gurov was almost slowed down by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, who suggested first finding out “the opinion of the guys.” As a result, a compromise was found: accept the program, and only then listen to the children.

The meeting of the supervisory board of the First Movement gave many reasons for reminiscing about educational work in the USSR. RDDM is traditionally associated with the Soviet pioneers, which many deputies openly spoke about when adopting the relevant law. And Vladimir Putin himself once suggested that we think about renaming the “first” into pioneers. In addition, the meeting of the supervisory board took place on the territory of the former pioneer camp, where the Mashuk knowledge center is now located, training professional teachers and educators who work with young people. And Mashuk, along with the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), is supervised by another organization, which is the reincarnation of a similar Soviet structure – the educational society “Knowledge”.

The head of the supervisory board of the RDDM, Vladimir Putin, did not ignore the topic of the bright past, who especially praised the movement for the revival “at a new modern level, frankly speaking, undeservedly forgotten formats”: “I looked there, there are also military themes, this is Zarnitsa, and the Yunnat movement , this is also all in great demand.”

The president did not forget about the present, calling for “together to overcome the destructive legacy of aggressive nationalist policies” in the “regions of Donbass and Novorossiya.”

Grigory Gurov immediately got to the main point, saying that the supervisory board should adopt the educational program of the RDDM. It, according to him, contains “clear and simple formulas for educating a citizen, a patriot” and is based on traditional Russian values ​​and the collective responsibility of children and adults. One of the principles of the program is to do everything only in collaboration with the children (“Together, not instead,” explained the head of the RDDM), another is education in a team (“Not me, but we are together”). The document also implies mandatory education by personal example.

Vladimir Putin, however, decided to first hear the “voice of the people” and ask the educational advisers to school directors present in the hall about what they would like to change in RDDM. But they turned out to be satisfied with almost everything.

One adviser admitted that she needed extra time for this – “everything is developing so harmoniously.” Another, instead of answering, asked her own question, asking the president to tell about his fondest childhood memory. “This, you know, is, in general, such an intimate thing, I will tell only the beginning of this story,” Mr. Putin reacted. “Mom put me in a corner, I don’t even remember why, she walked around for some time, she kept looking so menacingly , asked: “Are you going to ask for forgiveness or not?” I’ll tell you one on one how this story ends, I’ll just leave out some of it. In short, it ended with her starting to kiss me, she pulled me out of the corner, and that was the end of the whole story. But how she did it is a separate conversation.”

But a whole stream of requests emerged from the officials participating in the meeting. Thus, the head of Rosmolodezh, Ksenia Razuvaeva, asked whether it was possible to consider the patriotic program of the RDDM along with the educational one. And the Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov asked to support the idea of ​​​​creating an organization for elementary school students “Eaglets” and to ensure that as many schoolchildren as possible visit the “Russia” exhibition at VDNKh.

Grigory Gurov, meanwhile, persistently suggested voting for the program.

“I can’t Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova (deputy chairman of the government.— “Kommersant”) can’t be asked about this,” Vladimir Putin was cautious. And, as it turned out, not in vain, since the Deputy Prime Minister suddenly decided to argue with the head of the RDDM, and with a hint of the principle he himself mentioned “together, not instead.” “Probably her (program.— “Kommersant”) must be accepted. But it seems to me that what was not heard at all today is the attitude of the guys towards this program. And in general, how do the guys themselves feel about it, how do they themselves perceive those main tasks, those principles and those directions that are laid down?” – asked Mrs. Golikova. However, she also proposed a compromise: to accept the program, and at the next supervisory council to hear the “guys’” opinion about it. Vladimir Putin did not object to this option, and according to the voting results, the program was approved.

Andrey Vinokurov


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