Valeria Aidaeva from Bryansk became European vice-champion in Latin American dances

Valeria Aidaeva from Bryansk became European vice-champion in Latin American dances


Bryansk athlete Valeria Aidaeva became the vice-champion of Europe 2024 WDC in the Latin American program. The large-scale event ended the day before, on April 14, in Chisinau.

Valeria performed in a duet with Kirill Belorukov. The couple, who formed three years ago, has repeatedly made their presence known on various platforms. The athletes’ arsenal includes awards from the World and European Championships, Blackpool Festivals, International and many others. This time the duo became the silver medalist of the professional championship.

The next significant performance will be participation in the fifth international tournament in sports ballroom dancing “Kremlin Cup – The Pride of Russia!” Valeria Aidaeva and Kirill Bezrukov won these competitions four times. Now Kremlin Cup posters with their image adorn the streets of the capital. The spectacular event will take place on April 20.


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