“This is normal, are you serious?”: Buzova and Dibrov fought on the set of the show

“This is normal, are you serious?”: Buzova and Dibrov fought on the set of the show


Dmitry Dibrov and Olga Buzova fought live. On the release of the show, which was dedicated to issues of open relationships. The studio participants heatedly discussed the possibility of practicing such relationships in modern reality. After some minutes of debate, Dmitry Dibrov suddenly joined the dialogue.

The famous TV presenter delicately spoke about his experience in intimate relationships, this time revealing unexpected information about himself.

“I had an open relationship. It was wonderful until difficulties arose in the love relationship. When someone from Rostov-on-Don became more important to you than yourself, this is where difficulties begin,” Dibrov said.

Apparently, he was talking about his current wife, Polina, who is from Rostov-on-Don. Dibrov admitted that when he saw her for the first time, he felt that she would become the mother of his children. And they have been living happily together for more than 15 years.

As for Olga Buzova, after hearing Dibrov’s words and seeing the results of a sociological survey, where the majority of Russians considered open relationships normal, she was very surprised.

“Do you really think it’s normal to have an open relationship? Are you serious?” – Buzova was amazed.

The singer does not accept the idea of ​​an open relationship. In her opinion, this is not fair to her partner. Buzova always spoke honestly about her relationships, arguing that intimate intimacy is possible for her only within the framework of love, and the option “for health” is not considered.


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