They want to deprive Russians who did not come to the polls of the right to vote

They want to deprive Russians who did not come to the polls of the right to vote


Deputy Koshelev called for depriving the right to vote of those who do not go to the polls

State Duma deputy Vladimir Koshelev said that Russian legislation should be changed to deprive the right to vote of those citizens who do not go to the polls. According to the deputy, this idea was given by the Zhirinovsky neural network, and he agrees with it.

“The right to vote has always been a privilege,” Koshelev said.

He was outraged by the fact that “many today neglect this right,” and most importantly, “they have the audacity to criticize” the elections.

The deputy believes that depriving citizens of voting rights will increase turnout in elections and allow the authorities to distinguish “a mature citizen from an irresponsible layman.”


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