The US has limited the export of NVidia chips created specifically for the Chinese market

The US has limited the export of NVidia chips created specifically for the Chinese market


Today it became known that the US authorities limited sale of chips that the American company Nvidia developed specifically for export to China. The restriction applies to the A800 and H800 lines. The company released them specifically for the Chinese market after the Joseph Biden administration last October introduced the first restrictions on the supply of American chips to China.

Now the company must obtain permission to supply a particular batch of chips, and the Ministry of Commerce will review applications. The purpose of the restrictions is to prevent China from getting the most advanced American chips used to develop AI and dual-use technologies, as this could pose a threat to US national security. At the same time, representatives of the US Department of Commerce emphasized that the restrictions will not apply to chips used in consumer electronics, since the administration does not have the goal of harming the Chinese economy.

Read about how Huawei Corporation was caught creating “secret factories” for the production of microchips in the Kommersant article. “Underground Chip Empire”.

Evgeny Khvostik


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