The Supreme Court approved the refusal of Nadezhdin to register as an election candidate

The Supreme Court approved the refusal of Nadezhdin to register as an election candidate


The Supreme Court recognized the refusal to allow Boris Nadezhdin to participate in the presidential elections as legal. The court announced only the operative part of the decision; its motives remain unknown.

“Nadezhdin’s complaint is left unsatisfied, the ruling of the court of first instance is left unchanged,” the judge announced the decision, and it entered into legal force (quote from TASS).

Mr. Nadezhdin was nominated as a presidential candidate from the Civil Initiative party. On February 8, the Central Election Commission refused to register him. Of the 105 thousand signatures submitted by the politician, the commission considered 9147 invalid.

On February 12, Boris Nadezhdin filed two lawsuits with the CEC in the Supreme Court – challenging the form of the inspection sheet and challenging the form of the list of collectors. On February 15, the court rejected both claims. Also politician disputed decision of the Central Election Commission, but on February 21 the Supreme Court rejected and this lawsuit.

Details – in the material “Kommersant” “Boris Nadezhdin signed a waiver”.

Laura Keffer


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