The summer of 2024 in Russia may be the hottest in the history of weather observations

The summer of 2024 in Russia may be the hottest in the history of weather observations


The coming summer could break records and become the hottest in the history of weather observations, they reported “News”. The climate will be affected by the El Niño thermal phenomenon.

According to forecasters, already in June it is expected to be 7 degrees Celsius higher than normal. In Moscow, Tver, Kaluga and Kaliningrad, weather forecasters predict +35 degrees. Temperature records are also possible in the Far East, the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and the Volga region.

Scientific director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics named after. A. M. Obukhov RAS Igor Mokhov told RBCthat a more accurate forecast will be possible closer to April, but general trends can already be seen. “It all depends on how El Niño moves into another phase. And moreover, these are still probabilistic estimates depending on the phase transition, that is, options are possible. But there are risks, yes,” said Mr. Mokhov.

In January, Bloomberg reported, that 2024 could break the record of 2023 and become the hottest year on record. The average temperature on the planet will increase by 1.3–1.6 degrees compared to the pre-industrial period. The temperature will be influenced by the thermal effect of El Niño, which is associated with temperature fluctuations in the surface layer of water in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. There is a delay between the warming of water in the Pacific Ocean and the increase in air temperature at the planet’s surface. For this reason, the second year under the influence of El Niño is hotter than the previous one.

World Meteorological Organization confirmed that 2023 was the warmest year on record due to the thermal effect. The organization expects 2024 to be even warmer.

How climate regulation affects the economy – in the material “Carbon rent at an unaffordable price”.

Alexandra Goroshilova


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