The state ruble is shifted from losses to results // Monitoring of state support for the agro-industrial complex

The state ruble is shifted from losses to results // Monitoring of state support for the agro-industrial complex


In 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture will noticeably change the nature of state support for farmers – the volume of stimulating subsidies will for the first time exceed the volume of compensatory ones. In total, 63.4 billion rubles will be spent on state support in 2023. (53.3 billion rubles in 2022), compensating measures in 2023 will account for 26.7 billion rubles. (32.9 billion rubles in 2022), for incentives – 31.7 billion rubles. (20.5 billion rubles a year earlier). The ministry announced plans to revise their ratio back in 2019, when the division of a single subsidy into compensatory and stimulating was only expected (it happened in 2020), then Deputy Minister Elena Fastova spoke about the fact that the Ministry of Agriculture would gradually abandon compensatory subsidies. When dividing a single subsidy, compensatory (aimed at compensating for shortfalls in incomes of producers) included, among other things, the provision of unrelated support in crop production and dairy cattle breeding, support for livestock breeding and agricultural insurance, and incentives (distributed on a competitive basis by regions in accordance with…


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