The State Duma wants to mitigate the punishment for drivers who have forgotten their STS, rights and OSAGO at home

The State Duma wants to mitigate the punishment for drivers who have forgotten their STS, rights and OSAGO at home


Deputies of the New People faction in the State Duma have prepared a bill with the abolition of fines and the evacuation of vehicles for drivers who have forgotten their STS houses, driver’s licenses and OSAGO policies. The fines are “absurd,” MPs say: motorists have long been able to submit documents to the traffic police in electronic form using the Gosuslugi.Avto application. The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained earlier that the application is still working in an experimental mode.

Representatives of the New People’s Duma faction yesterday sent a draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses to the government: it is proposed to abolish a 500-ruble fine for driving without a driver’s license (the license must be valid) and an OSAGO policy. A similar fine, which today is applied simultaneously with the evacuation of the car, is canceled if the driver has forgotten the STS at home. The absence of a waybill or “commodity-transport documents” will continue to be punishable by a fine.

“Motorists who are being fined for leaving their driving licenses at home are turning to me en masse,” Vladislav Davankov, deputy speaker of the State Duma and first deputy head of the New People faction, explained yesterday. “This is a rather absurd situation. Any traffic police officer can check the driver’s license online in a minute.

We are talking about the application “Gosuslugi.Avto”, which uses data from the portal of public services. We recall that it appeared back in 2021, since then it has been downloaded by more than 4.3 million citizens. Users can generate a QR code as an electronic version of a driver’s license or CTC to show to an inspector. “Why force people to carry a pile of documents with them if we are striving for digitalization? Mr. Davankov is surprised. “We are for a smart digital state without absurd fines.”

Recall that QR codes and the application are not mentioned in the current traffic rules. On March 1, the amendments entered into force, providing only the possibility of presenting digital rights and STS in the future (without the original) – “in the case of their registration in electronic form in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.” In other words, there should be a law that fixes the status of QR codes. Such amendments have not yet been introduced to the State Duma, although, according to Kommersant’s information, they are already being prepared. The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained at the beginning of the year that the application is still being used as an experiment: the obligation to carry original documents with you has not been removed.

“It is high time to eliminate this formalism, especially when you can check both the owner and the car,” Serhiy Radko, a lawyer for the Freedom of Choice movement, supports the initiative. “Evacuation for forgetfulness is clearly unfair. Especially taking into account the fact that the absence of documents with you is a violation of traffic rules, but it does not affect traffic safety in any way. But it creates a corruption component (so that the car is not taken to a special parking lot) and extra income for the evacuation services.”

Sergey Efremov, Deputy Executive Director of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, confirmed that traffic police officers in most cases can check the OSAGO policy (most are processed electronically) against the databases of insurers. However, he noted, there are still a small number of contracts that, for technical reasons, do not immediately enter the system. He also noted that on the road there may be problems connecting to the base for checking electronic policies, for example, due to poor communication. Taking into account all these nuances, Mr. Efremov believes that the fine should be left so that drivers would not be tempted not to issue OSAGO and drive without a policy at all – this jeopardizes the “property interests” of victims in an accident.

Petr Shkumatov, coordinator of the Blue Buckets movement, commenting on the bill, also mentioned the situation when the driver does not have an application, communication or the phone does not work. In this case, the expert suggests, inspectors can be guided by passport data. The traffic police “breaks through” the STS of the owner by the number of the car and, if the full name matches the passport, the citizen is released. If you do not have a passport with you (or the data does not match), evacuation and a fine are applied, as now. Shkumatov recalls that the parking lot is an important security measure for cases when the inspector does not know who is driving. After all, perhaps the car was stolen, and a criminal was driving. Petr Shkumatov proposes to introduce a similar algorithm for a driver’s license: if there are no rights, then their presence is checked in the passport. If there are no documents at all, a fine is applied.

Note that in April 2023, a bill on a related topic was prepared and sent to the White House by representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party. The deputies proposed to send a vehicle driven by a citizen without an STS to a car pound only if it is listed as stolen. The government has yet to respond to these amendments.

Ivan Buranov

The traffic police of Moscow began to fine parents for violation of the rules by children on electric scooters

Traffic police officers in the capital began to apply article 5.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Failure of parents to fulfill their obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors” (fine from 100 to 500 rubles) in cases where a child violates the Rules of the Road while riding a scooter or an electric scooter or other SIM (a means of individual mobility ). This was announced yesterday by Anastasia Ivanova, head of the department for promoting traffic safety and interaction with the media of the department of the UGIBDD in Moscow.

“Children do not know how to ride on such mobility aids, despite the new rules. They do not comply with traffic rules and create accounts for the data of their parents – they conclude an agreement, tick off that they are 18 (we are talking about rental electric scooters.— “b”). Parents can buy a scooter for their child – if this is a conscious choice, then the parent gives him some driving skills. The worst thing is that children do not dismount in case of danger of an accident. The child does not ensure his safety, the driver does not see him. In case of failure to ensure the safety of the child’s trip on a scooter, a protocol for improper upbringing of the child may be drawn up against the parent. From prevention, we moved on to this,” said Ms. Ivanova, quoted by the Moskva news agency.

Recall that from March 1, 2023, large-scale changes in traffic rules came into force – electric scooters and monowheels are now considered means of individual mobility, it is forbidden to accelerate on them faster than 25 km / h, driving to the edge of the carriageway is allowed only upon reaching the age of 14. Riding on the pavement is only allowed if no other infrastructure (e.g. bike lanes) is available. Fines for violating the new traffic rules range from 500 rubles. up to 1.5 thousand rubles. In Moscow, according to the traffic police, 37 accidents with electric scooters have been recorded since April. SIMs, according to Anastasia Ivanova, are “the biggest problem this spring.”

Ivan Tyazhlov


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