The State Duma spoke out about the attack on Zaporizhia NPP

The State Duma spoke out about the attack on Zaporizhia NPP


State Duma deputy Sheremet called the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant the crime of the century

State Duma deputy from the Crimean region Mikhail Sheremet said that the drone attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the crime of the century. Among other things, he called on the international community to isolate Vladimir Zelensky from power.

Let us remind you that the day before the press service of Zaporizhia NPP told about a drone attack on the dome of the sixth power unit. Drones were also recorded flying around the cafeteria. As a result of the strikes, three people were injured; the Zaporizhia NPP itself did not receive critical damage.

“This attack can be called the crime of the century. President of Ukraine Zelensky is doomed and is clinging to any straw to stay in power,” Sheremet noted.

According to him, Zelensky uses the most prohibited, blasphemous and inhumane methods, pursuing the goal of blowing up a nuclear power plant and bringing a man-made disaster to the world with a huge number of victims.


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