The State Duma discussed the return of forced distribution after universities

The State Duma discussed the return of forced distribution after universities


Our deputies are again striving to harness together “the horse and the trembling doe.” The experience of forcibly crossing the hammer and sickle with a layer of the intelligentsia did not teach them anything. Now the “tops” are planning to cross the market with the planned system in education.

And the deputies are knights at a crossroads, and one of their main directions of movement is “back to the USSR.” Recently discussing the return of the distribution system in universities, the people’s representatives chose their favorite path back. Despite the sages from friendly eastern countries who remarked: “You cannot go forward with your head turned back.”

In this case, we are talking about the first reading of the bill on young specialists (MS). And about an innovation that is a well-forgotten old one – the notorious distribution of young specialists.

The chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, Sergei Kabyshev, spoke very definitely about the upcoming distribution. “If a person himself connects his professional future with key socially significant sectors, such as education, healthcare, defense and security, and the state, relying on this choice, spends taxpayers’ money on his training, then there must be fair mechanisms for regulated employment…”

And then there is a maxim about the “arbitrary choice” (of a graduate), which reprehensibly does not correspond to “legitimate social expectations.” And about the “graduate refusal”…

In the God-denied Soviet past, which today some see as the promised land, refusal to go to hell as assigned, or unauthorized departure before the end of 3 years, resulted in criminal liability.

But, you see, today execution with rubles is more appropriate – because of capitalism. Therefore, as a punishment for refusing to go where they were sent, the money spent by the state on studying at the university was returned.

In Soviet times, we traveled to Siberia and Kazakhstan, to Central Asia and Sakhalin. Where the party orders. The degree of isolation of slogans from life was demonstrated by a scandal with an editorial in the central press: “Come to me at BAM.” Refined editors simply did not know that this was part of an indecent ditty. Which still has a lot of variations, and the most decent of the continuations: “In a tarpaulin tent behind a painted screen, my life is in white slippers, and next to me is my dear.” Recent students and prisoners, who were also herded to the “construction sites of communism,” are not the best combination… However, today, recalling the times of half a century ago, one can notice that everyday disorder was compensated for by enthusiasm.

Then, during the period of glasnost, they expressed the secret: the distribution system is legalized serfdom.

Representatives of the deputy corps held similar views a year ago. Then a draft law on distribution after higher education was pushed into the State Council of Tatarstan. “Dead end path”, “dancing with tambourines” – as then, just a year ago, the returned distribution was not called. Noting that the system “can serve to revive the military-industrial complex” (doubtful, remember the crowds of engineers in “mailboxes”: knitting, sewing, making tea at work, sorting out carburetors).

The same deputies in 2023 rightly noted that distribution is part of the planned economy, and not the market at all. If you’ve already decided to charge people for their studies, which were paid for, among other things, by their parents’ taxes, introduce lending. Don’t send people into the forest or into the forests, in this case these are synonyms.

Finally, they said that the distribution system was contrary to the Constitution. In the part of Article 37, “which establishes the human right to free labor and prohibits forced labor.”

Based on the market, a system of tripartite contracts between student – employer – university with payment of stipends to potential employees is possible. But she must work on a voluntary basis. And, let us note in parentheses, it works if we are talking about corporations containing the parts “oil”, “gas” or “nano” in the name, there is no need to invent anything. The best personnel fly there as applicants, so to speak, hair back. And many companies pay stipends that are in no way tied to the minimum wage.

Also, in connection with the revival of the topic of distribution, a opinion poll was conducted. According to its results, it turned out that 56% of respondents were in favor of “returning the distribution system.” But, if we go into detail, the majority were citizens aged 50-75 years. And the lion’s share of ideological opponents of the distribution system are representatives of the active population group of 30-35 years old. Those who live today and look to the future.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29241 dated March 22, 2024

Newspaper headline:
Cabal and youth


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