The Russian pilot admitted that he allowed passengers to have sex on the plane

The Russian pilot admitted that he allowed passengers to have sex on the plane


Former pilot Maxim Pyrkov considers it acceptable to have sex on board an airplane. He admitted that he himself allowed couples in love to do this during the flight. Pyrkov shared his piquant story on the YouTube channel “CLASS – a portal about knowledge!”

According to him, once during an overnight flight, a flight attendant approached him and told him that newlywed passengers were asking to be allowed to “behave.”

“I say: “Well, if they don’t bother anyone, why not? What’s wrong? They ask you not to smoke there.” If the senior flight attendant is not against it, then I say: “We are all for it.” The demographic situation in the country needs to be improved,” the ex-pilot shared.

At the same time, he admitted that he allows sex on board only if the crew is “officially” warned about it in advance. The pilot added that he himself had sex on the plane.


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