The psychologist spoke about the torment of sexaholics

The psychologist spoke about the torment of sexaholics


Experts: when nothing but sex comes to mind, you need to resort to treatment

Sexologist Natalia Shestakova and psychologist Yulia Kuznetsova in conversation with “” explained how sexaholism differs from a normal sexual life and why it does not bring joy to a person, instead causing moral and physical suffering.

According to Natalia Shestakova, sexaholism can lead to serious psychological and physical problems because the sexaholic loses control over his behavior and becomes addicted to sex. His life activity turns out to be subordinated to the task of constantly searching for partners, which negatively affects his personal and professional life.

As Yulia Kuznetsova clarified at the same time, the mechanism of development of sex addiction is similar to the development of any other chemical and behavioral addiction, and usually a person has some genetic predisposition to its development. The source of the pathology is that during sex, neurotransmitters are produced in the body, among which there is dopamine, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure, but with sex addiction, the brain orients behavior towards finding sources of pleasure for the production of dopamine. Further, tolerance for it grows, because of which a person is looking for more and more opportunities to receive it.

Kuznetsova clarifies that such a lifestyle can lead to social maladjustment, problems in relations with others, and the impossibility of a full discharge can also lead to emotional disturbances.

Shestakova, in turn, draws attention to the fact that usually people suffering from sexaholism have several characteristic features, the main of which are obsessive thoughts about sex that a person cannot do anything about.

To the question “what to do”, experts answer that the best way out, as in cases of other addictions, is to contact a specialist, no matter how inconvenient it may seem.


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