The Prosecutor General’s Office spoke about the scale of the terrorist attack in Crocus

The Prosecutor General's Office spoke about the scale of the terrorist attack in Crocus


The Prosecutor General’s Office on the scale of the terrorist attack at Crocus: incomparable with the law on the security of the facility

Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, assessed the scale of the tragedy at Crocus City Hall.

According to him, this terrorist attack cannot be compared with the provisions of the legislation on ensuring the security of such public facilities.

“We can already say that the scale of the terrorist attack turned out to be many times larger and incomparable with the provisions of the legislation on the security of such objects,” Krasnov said.

Cranes, the inscription “We mourn” from candles: photo of a spontaneous memorial at Crocus

Cranes, inscription

See photo gallery on the topic


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