The opponent of the SVO told the police about the supporter of the SVO, who threatened to denounce

The opponent of the SVO told the police about the supporter of the SVO, who threatened to denounce


“Bloody mistress”: the opponent of the SVO complained to the police about the threats of a patriotic user of the social network because of the comment

In Russian social networks, there was another case of conflict between Russians with opposing political positions, which ended with the involvement of law enforcement officers. But unlike most of these incidents, a supporter of opposition views resorted to the help of the security forces, writes “Bloody lady”.

According to the channel, a 32-year-old VKontakte user from Barnaul commented in one of the public posts that the South African authorities are asking Vladimir Putin not to come to the BRICS summit because of the ICC warrant. The man expressed his opinion on the situation, which turned out to be the opposite of the official position of the Kremlin. This comment was seen by a 35-year-old user from Biysk and was outraged to the core, so he wrote a comment-answer: they say, “provocateur” and “traitor” will be punished. The opposition-minded Barnaul resident did not remain in debt and called the ideological opponent a “Kremlin scammer”, after which the skirmish turned into personal messages.

What exactly the users wrote to each other in a personal message, “The Bloody Lady” does not specify, but following the results of the skirmish, a citizen who does not support the current foreign policy of Russia wrote a statement to the police against an opponent who considers himself a patriot.

The channel notes that the applicant’s page on the social network has his own posts criticizing the SVO, while the man wrote that he was not going to hide and hide his photos, he was not afraid of fines, “but there is no strength to be silent.”

Read also: “Kirill Stremousov has risen on the Internet”


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