“The oligarchs paid generously”: Zelensky’s earnings in Russia announced

“The oligarchs paid generously”: Zelensky’s earnings in Russia announced


The President of Ukraine could still earn money from concerts

Vladimir Zelensky actively made money in Russia before becoming president. The comedian was especially loved by Russian oligarchs. They did not offend him and paid him generously. Producer Sergei Lavrov, in a conversation with MK correspondents, announced Zelensky’s income in Russia for the first time.

“Zelensky was in great demand in Russia at one time,” says Sergei. – He didn’t go on tour, though. He didn’t need this, since he was producing in Ukraine: he produced TV series and show programs. He made a lot of money from his television products. As, for example, Alexander Tsekalo did in Russia. He also did not go on tour, but agreed to perform at the reserves. And it was very expensive.

Zelensky, despite his reluctance to tour the Russian outback, did not refuse corporate events. And he immediately named a round sum for his appearance.

“The numbers were different then,” Lavrov explains. – Zelensky charged two million rubles for a corporate event. But then the euro exchange rate was around 60-70 rubles. That is, he received approximately 30 thousand euros. A very good fee for those times – at the level of stars of the first magnitude. Another thing is that he was very busy in Ukraine. That’s why I sometimes refused corporate events in Russia. I called them a couple of times – he didn’t have any free dates.

“In Russia at that time he could have received a lot of money,” continues Sergei. — Zelensky could travel and tour with his program. Pasha Volya gathers, and not just concert halls, but entire stadiums. When Volya toured the country for the first time, I thought, how can you listen to a spoken word artist at a stadium? But he did it. Volya drove one lap around the country, the second – sold out everywhere. He still travels. At one time I drove “Burnt by the Sun”, which included Revva and Misha Galustyan. They were also great gatherings: people came to see them. Zelensky, if he had gone with the program in due time, would also have been in favor.


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