The NAC considered it a risk to involve civilians in the distribution of mobilization summonses

The NAC considered it a risk to involve civilians in the distribution of mobilization summonses


Involvement in the distribution of subpoenas for the partial mobilization of civilians is a rather controversial story in terms of security. About it declared Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee (NAC) Kirill Kabanov

So he commented on the message of the portal “Explain.rf”, explainingthat the head of the municipality or the chairman of the mobilization commission can issue powers to issue subpoenas to civilians. In particular, teachers.

Kabanov noted that we are talking about the security of personal data of SVO participants. He suggested thinking, what if a person who is secretly hostile to Russia is in charge of distributing the subpoenas?

“He rewrites all the data of the mobilized and transfers them to the enemy. And from that moment on, there are a lot of threats to the security of not only military personnel, but also their families,” the head of the NAC noted. He demanded that this risk be taken into account.

Read also: Sobyanin: Center for Support of Relatives of Mobilized Citizens Created in Moscow


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