The mobilized had uncomfortable questions about the main value

The mobilized had uncomfortable questions about the main value


Less than ten days ago, on September 21, Vladimir Putin spoke in Veliky Novgorod and said countless times that one of our main values ​​is justice. He noted that our values ​​\u200b\u200b”cannot be shaken and even more so destroyed.” Impossible outside. And from the inside? On the whole, sensible decisions on mobilization issues, even at the level of implementation, are sometimes distorted, as in a distorting mirror – justice is shaken.

Right on the surface. The State Duma adopted a law on credit holidays for the mobilized. And on the day of the adoption, deputy Alexander Khinshtein writes: “Individual bankers seem to expect to shift the burden not on their own pockets, but on other people.” Like, an increase in mortgage rates has already been announced and “it is necessary to apply all available mechanisms to curb greedy bankers.”

And Kirill Kabanov, chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, adds: “There is information that banks have stopped issuing mortgages to men who, in their opinion, fall under partial mobilization, referring to this as a risk.” And he notes: “The vulgarity of the situation is that the bank employees themselves, as especially valuable specialists, are “discouraged” from mobilization.

I have three branches of the largest bank within walking distance from my house. People crowd only in one, because it is in a shopping center. In two more, “valuable specialists untied from mobilization” are bored. Those same ones will not give loans to the mobilized. Because the “greedy bankers” decided so.

Are advertising agents, PR and personnel officers also those specialists, without whose services everything will collapse “in civilian life”?

Due to the fact that the mobilization is “partial”, legal incidents arise. A ban on leaving the region and, especially, abroad was announced in the Rostov, Belgorod, Samara regions, as well as in Tatarstan and a number of other regions. But in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is no such ban.

So far, everything looks like that the provinces and the proletariat, in their mass, are going for mobilization. But almost a tenth of the country’s population lives in Moscow alone.

Does this sound like justice?

American mobilization during the Vietnam War led to dire consequences for society, its split and, ultimately, to defeat in Vietnam. Social inequality rose sharply as deferrals were given, for example, to men who planned to study for professions “vital” to national security.

80% of Americans who ended up in Vietnam came from poor or working-class families and were semi-literate. Blacks then made up only 11% of the US population, but in 1967 almost a quarter of all combat units in Vietnam consisted of African Americans.

It is not surprising that their mass unrest began in the United States under the slogan “our struggle for freedom should take place in the United States itself, and not in Vietnam!” In general, American youth, as a result, spoke out not only against the war, but also against racism, social oppression and injustice. The most massive performances were in the late 60s, they were called the “student revolution” in the media.

Of course, the motives of the Vietnam War and the NWO are completely different. And, unlike the then American society, our current society, for the most part, understands what the battle is for. Tens of thousands of volunteers (including for mobilization) are proof of this. But the distortions in the mobilization campaign are similar.

Now those who are being mobilized may simply be dissatisfied. Dissatisfied with what they hear “you understand who my father is, this issue will be resolved at a different level”, dissatisfied with bankers who raise interest rates, dissatisfied with “military agencies” who have jacked up equipment prices, dissatisfied with the option that in separate army units there are only two the size of the uniform – “small” and “large”, which sometimes instead of real combat training – formation on the parade ground.

They will be dissatisfied, but they will still go to fulfill their duty, because they cannot do otherwise. But this dissatisfaction cannot be swept under the carpet by PR people who have received reservations. You can’t be afraid to admit mistakes. It is necessary to react and correct, to remove the causes of discontent by running. The mobilization of people without the mobilization of the economy and public administration can backfire strongly.

Because right now people might just be unhappy. And when they return, they will start asking questions. Not to ask questions, but to restore justice shaken from within. It’s one of our core values, isn’t it?

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 28880 dated September 30, 2022

Newspaper headline:
Mobilization of Justice


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