The Ministry of Industry and Trade has created a department for the development of unmanned systems

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has created a department for the development of unmanned systems


Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov signed an order on the internal reorganization of the ministry – this was confirmed to Kommersant by the department’s press service. Its structure will include departments of agricultural, food and road construction engineering and a department of state policy in the field of technical regulation, standardization and ensuring uniformity of measurements (replacing departments of the same name), a department of protocol and a press service (its rank has been raised from department) and a new department of unmanned systems and robotics.

The ministry explains what is happening with the need to develop a number of promising industries, as well as the formation of new areas in the Russian economy, such as unmanned technologies and robotics (the national project for them, we recall, is supervised by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov). The new department will coordinate “the implementation of state civil and defense orders for the production of UAVs. Also, the new department will ensure the development and support of the robotics industry (with the exception of industrial robots, the production of which will continue to be supervised by the Department of Machine Tools and Heavy Engineering of the Ministry of Industry and Trade),” the department notes.

In turn, the downgrading of the rank of regulators of agricultural, food and road construction engineering and technical regulation to departments there is explained by the fact that in these industries the main measures to support industry have been set up and do not require increased attention, and standardization and technical regulation are already handled by the service subordinate to the Ministry of Industry and Trade – Rosstandart.

Previously, Kommersant’s interlocutors in the White House explained the emergence in the structure of the ministries of the economic block of the government of a new structural unit – departments (they are, in fact, close to departments, but smaller in number and more mobile in matters of organization and reorganization) – the need to expand the number of state-regulated industries for the structural adaptation of the economy to new conditions, in which it is located after the start of the military operation in Ukraine and the imposition of sanctions for it by all developed countries of the world. “In the state management of such industries, the leading role is given to compact and flexible structural units that can quickly respond to emerging challenges and needs of the industries,” the ministry confirmed to Kommersant.

Department of Economics


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