The Ministry of Education will approve a new federal list of textbooks

The Ministry of Education will approve a new federal list of textbooks


The Ministry of Education of Russia plans to create a new federal list of textbooks for educational institutions, said the head of the department, Sergei Kravtsov. The list of publications approved for use in Russian schools will include one textbook for each subject. The exception in connection with the “historical and cultural standard” will be only books on history.

The Minister also noted that the State Duma in the second and third readings adopted a bill according to which copyright for textbooks is assigned to Russia. A single state order for textbooks and teaching aids, he said, will allow to control their content.

In addition, the department is discussing the possibility of a single history textbook. “Perhaps, now we are talking with the authors so that we have a consolidated position here and there may be a new history textbook, perhaps uniting both general history and the history of Russia, and the transition to a single subject “History”, where they will teach, among other things, the content that is now under the general history and history of Russia,” Mr. Kravtsov said at an online meeting with Anna Kuznetsova, Deputy Secretary of the United Russia General Council for Education.

September 14 State Duma approved amendments to the Law on Education. Starting next year, unified federal general education programs will be introduced in Russian schools, providing for the unification of teaching aids and educational standards throughout Russia.

More details – in the material “Kommersant FM” “Schools will be brought under the “gold standard””.

Milena Kostereva


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