The incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza for the week in Russia increased by 7%

The incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza for the week in Russia increased by 7%


According to Rospotrebnadzor, the incidence of influenza and SARS in Russia has increased by 7% over the past week.

The source reports that there is a clear increase in the incidence of influenza B, in which there are more complications in the form of pneumonia. In total, the incidence over the past week in the country amounted to 918,000 cases, 67% of which are influenza viruses.

In addition, Rospotrebnadzor noted a significant increase in the incidence of coronavirus – over the past week, 20% more cases were detected in Russia than the week before. The predominant strain is omicron.

Earlier, from the WHO report, it became known that in the world for the period from December 26 to January 22, 11 million new cases of coronavirus infection were recorded. The number of infections decreased immediately by 25%, but there was also less good news.

Mortality from COVID-19 increased immediately by 13%, which indicates a worsening situation. During the week from January 16 to 22, 12 thousand people died out of 1.9 million patients with covid in the world.


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