The highest paying vacancies of January have been named: salary more than 500 thousand

The highest paying vacancies of January have been named: salary more than 500 thousand


There are not enough dentists in Moscow, and geologists and drivers in Chelyabinsk

The pedestal of the ranking of high-paying offers in fifteen Russian cities with a population of over a million was topped by a dentist vacancy. Three Moscow clinics are looking for dentists at rates from 370 thousand rubles, from 450 thousand and from 500 thousand rubles per month.

In St. Petersburg there is an excellent salary offer for the position of financial director in the hospitality industry (hotel and beauty business): 350-400 thousand rubles.

A digital service provider in Nizhny Novgorod needs a senior manager with a salary of up to 300 thousand rubles.

A hypermarket in Novosibirsk needs a director – albeit with a much more modest salary: 131 thousand rubles.

The Chelyabinsk Automobile Plant invites a category E driver for 150-200 thousand to transport goods between the Urals and Central Russia. And the city, for 150 thousand rubles a month, needs a chief geologist for a company engaged in drilling operations and laboratory analysis of samples of substances taken during drilling.

Voronezh offers a vacancy for an “active sales manager” of restaurant and refrigeration equipment for one hundred thousand rubles per month. It is separately noted that the work takes place “remotely” and is available to students. For 70-150 thousand rubles you can get a job as an agronomist at a farm located in the suburbs.

The data was provided by a job search service that analyzed 170 thousand fresh vacancies in Russia.


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