The government opposed the abolition of fines for forgotten rights and compulsory motor liability insurance

The government opposed the abolition of fines for forgotten rights and compulsory motor liability insurance


The government did not support the amendments abolishing administrative liability for forgotten driver’s licenses and compulsory motor liability insurance. The government’s response is provided by RIA Novosti. Now for this they can be given a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

A bill to abolish fines was sent to the government by State Duma deputies from the New People faction. The explanatory note notes that traffic police officers could remotely check whether the driver has these documents in a special system.

However, the government believes that the driver’s lack of necessary documents would make document verification difficult or impossible, since there is no data on foreign driver’s licenses and registration documents for cars with foreign license plates in the traffic police system. In addition, the review notes that traffic police officers in remote and sparsely populated areas may simply not have access to the system due to problems with the Internet.

The authors of the amendments in a conversation with RIA Novosti said that they would finalize the bill and send it back to the government.

Anastasia Larina


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