The ex-husband of the daughter of an ex-State Duma deputy warned Tom Cruise about her love for luxury

The ex-husband of the daughter of an ex-State Duma deputy warned Tom Cruise about her love for luxury


The ex-husband of Elsina Khayrova warned actor Tom Cruise, with whom she is suspected of having a relationship, that his ex-wife liked to spend money. Diamond magnate Dmitry Tsvetkov spoke about this in an interview Daily Mail.

Over the course of 11 years of marriage, the ex-wife constantly spent his money on clothes, shoes and accessories from popular and expensive brands, Tsvetkov said. During the entire relationship, he spent £12 million on clothes and bags for his wife.

He warned the future chosen one Elsina Khayrova that she really likes to spend money on beautiful things, since she has expensive taste.

Earlier, information appeared in the media about a possible romance between Tom Cruise and Elsina Khairova. The couple was spotted at a party in London.


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