The cadastre will include additional information about apartments in dilapidated buildings

The cadastre will include additional information about apartments in dilapidated buildings


From February 1, certain provisions of the order of Rosreestr come into force

Information about apartments subject to state cadastral valuation will be expanded from February 1, 2024. Now the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) will contain information that the residential premises are located in a building that is subject to reconstruction, demolition, or is in disrepair.

In addition, information is added throughout the entire building about the recognition of an apartment building as unsafe (subject to demolition or reconstruction) or about the recognition of a residential building as unfit for habitation.

“The main objective of the innovation is to eliminate errors when conducting cadastral valuation of real estate,” comments the President of the Regional Association of Appraisers, Kirill Kulakov. – In Russia there are at least 20 million square meters of dilapidated housing and another 60 million of dilapidated housing. Without taking this data into account, it is impossible to correctly conduct a cadastral valuation, which ultimately leads to its legal challenge. After all, a cadastral valuation is the basis for calculating property taxes for citizens.

This information will give potential buyers an idea of ​​the real market value of the property being purchased.


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