The airport in Norilsk is closed due to a snowstorm – Kommersant

The airport in Norilsk is closed due to a snowstorm – Kommersant


Due to unfavorable weather conditions – strong winds and snowstorms – the international airport. N.N. Urvantseva is closed until 6:00 on February 3. All flights were rescheduled for the next day, Kommersant-Sibir was told at the airport. About 1 thousand passengers are expected to operate the flights. The West Siberian Transport Prosecutor’s Office is conducting an investigation.

“Long delays have been announced for Siberia and Nordstar Airlines flights to the cities of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, and Ufa. The Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk transport prosecutor’s offices at the airports of the cities of Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk are carrying out supervisory measures to ensure compliance with legislation on the protection of the rights of passengers,” the department reported.

Passengers of canceled flights from the airport will be transported by bus to Norilsk. The day before, the Taimyr Central Hydrometeorological Service in Norilsk announced a storm warning. The city continues to experience southeast winds with gusts of up to 20–25 m/s and snowstorms.

Lolita Belova, Novosibirsk


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