Tennis players from Pomorie continue to conquer the podium of zonal competitions

Tennis players from Pomorie continue to conquer the podium of zonal competitions


The national team of the Arkhangelsk region won nine medals in Ukhta at the Northwest Russia table tennis championship among juniors and juniors under 20 years old. Tennis players from the Leningrad, Arkhangelsk and Kaliningrad regions, the Komi and Karelia republics took part in the competition. This was reported by the Ministry of Sports of the Arkhangelsk Region.

The northerners have two gold, three silver and four bronze medals. In singles competitions, Artem Muratov from Kotlos became the champion of North-West Russia. Severodvinsk residents Sofia Kuderskaya and Yakov Ovsyannikov became bronze medalists.

Ekaterina Rogova and Sofia Kuderskaya took gold among women’s pairs. Among men’s pairs, Artem Muratov and Eduard Shestakov won silver, Nikita Kochetov and Artem Groshev, Yakov Ovsyannikov and Maxim Raevsky won bronze. Also in the team category, our juniors and juniors won silver medals.

Based on the results of the zonal championship, tennis players Artem Muratov, Sofia Kuderskaya and the junior team received a ticket to the finals of the Russian Table Tennis Championship, which will take place in early April in St. Petersburg.


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