Summer residents were told whether the contents of the toilet can be used as fertilizer

Summer residents were told whether the contents of the toilet can be used as fertilizer


The debate as to whether it is possible to use human excrement to fertilize the garden and vegetable garden has been going on for decades. While some summer residents confidently declare that it is impossible to do this, others are actively using waste from the toilet. Writes about it

The benefits of using human feces in a summer cottage

The use of human waste in the country has several advantages:

Feces contain many minerals, they contain 1.3% nitrogen, 0.3% phosphorus and 0.3% potassium;

Fertilizers are easily absorbed by plants;

· Free of charge.

If you use the contents of the toilet for fertilizer, the summer resident will also solve an important problem with waste disposal.

It is believed that a person releases about half a ton of fecal matter per year.

In addition to potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, human excrement is 70% food waste – the remains of digested and undigested food.

It is believed that human waste buried in the ground repels mice and moles.

What is the danger of introducing human excrement into the soil

When using human feces on the site, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

waste products cannot be used in a fresh, unprocessed form;

Do not apply fecal fertilizers in large quantities – this will affect both the growth of crops and the condition of the soil negatively;

· Due to the high concentration of salts, municipal sewage waste cannot be used.

The use of “fresh” feces in a summer cottage is fraught with a lot of serious consequences:

Eggs of parasites enter the soil along with faeces. They are not afraid of the cold and are able to live in the ground for a long time, and then, together with vegetables and berries, enter the body. Thus, beloved and, it would seem, environmentally friendly plants become the source of the appearance of helminths in the body. Another danger that enters the soil with sewage is E. coli. The bacterium leads to severe intoxication and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

· waste of a human body after entering into the soil gets to ground waters and pollutes them;

The composition of the soil changes. The introduction of fecal matter (and they contain chlorine and sodium) will lead to salinization and alkalization of the soil, the land will become unsuitable for growing crops;

· “human” fertilizer can cause burns of the root and aerial parts of plants;

· waste products will fill the area with an unpleasant “loop” for a long period of time.

Despite a lot of disadvantages, the use of human feces as fertilizer is allowed. But everything must be done very carefully, in compliance with the rules and precautions. The main requirement is to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and at the same time preserve the useful components necessary for plants.

How to make fertilizer from feces and how to apply it

When processing human waste into valuable fertilizer, it is important to consider the following nuances:

It is advisable to organize a separate small compost heap for the contents from the toilet;

· fecal compost will become an ideal top dressing for flowers and ornamental plants – in this way the risk of human infection with dangerous microflora is reduced, and useful “vegetable” compost will be spent more rationally for vegetable and berry crops;

· to make “human” compost for vegetable and fruit plantings should be done with extreme caution, not forgetting about the potential threat and thorough washing and processing of the crop in the future, and under green crops – it is absolutely impossible;

Since this fertilizer is considered concentrated, it should be dosed with extreme care.

There are several ways to process feces into fertilizer – from installing a purchased dry closet to arranging a separate compost heap.

dry closet

The easiest and most practical way to turn sewage into compost.

There are models on sale, the essence of which is that feces are mixed with peat or sawdust in a separate container and spilled with EM preparations. Then the contents are placed in a separate pile or pit, covered with a film, and after a year and a half, the fertilizer will be ready.

Outwardly, such a dry closet looks like a regular toilet, but instead of a siphon and a sewer outlet, there is a container in which the waste is mixed with the filler.

Before use, a layer of sawdust or peat is poured onto the bottom of the container, and then regularly sprinkled with them when using the toilet. In more expensive options, peat is fed into the tank automatically when “draining”.

To get rid of unpleasant odors and flies, superphosphate is added to the contents.

Composting toilet

Such a composting facility can be made independently. The principle of its operation is the same as that of a dry closet. The operation of the compost toilet does not require electricity, and the cost is lower than the purchased bio-option.

From the materials you will need a removable seat with a cover, boards for the base of the toilet, as well as a sewage container that is installed under the seat. Otherwise, the principle of operation of the structure is identical to the previous version – before use, a thick layer of filler (peat or sawdust) must be poured onto the bottom, and then poured after each visit to the toilet. When the tank is full, the container must be poured into the compost heap.

Do not forget to use special EM preparations – they will help turn waste into compost faster.

compost heap

A compost heap or compost pit is also used to recycle the contents of a cesspool or country toilet. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve an increase in temperature inside it up to 50-70 ° C so that dangerous bacteria and parasites die.

To make a compost heap, choose a suitable site on the site – it should be away from cooking and eating areas, as well as recreation areas, in the most remote part of the site, near the toilet.

Install fences or a composting container on the selected site, pour out a layer of peat or sawdust 40-50 cm thick, add wood ash and a little superphosphate, make a small depression in the center where you pour the contents of the toilet (20 cm). Sprinkle everything on top with the same layer of peat, add plant residues and again add a layer of feces. When laying a compost heap, do not forget to use special biologically active preparations.

When alternating layers, keep in mind that the top (last) should be a layer with peat or sawdust.

Cover the contents without ramming with plastic wrap. One and a half years after the last laying, all pathogenic microorganisms, parasites, as well as eggs and cysts will die and the fertilizer will be ready for use.


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